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Un amigo… un discípulo… una nueva comunidad…un siervo preparado”
A friend… a disciple… a new community… a capable servant.
This is what World Team Spain is all about!!  It reminds us of the process of multiplication that we want to see happen wherever we live. We always want to be making “friends” with non-Christians who need a Savior.  We desire to see those friends become “disciples” of Jesus, walking with them and helping them to grow in their relationship Christ.  Then, we gather these disciples to form a “new community of believers”, expressing the love and light of Christ in their city and to the world. Finally, from that community of believers, we prepare “servants”, growing in the character of Christ and demonstrating gifts to lead others to keep multiplying.  Spain desperately needs the love of Christ and we´re committed to building His Kingdom through multiplication.

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